


Thursday, 13 November 2014

Athletics Day

On Wednesday last week, Good Shepherd School went to Three Kings Reserve to participate in our School Athletics Day!

We had different activities to do like long jump, softball throws, frisbee throws, bean bag throws, tag relays, 3 armed race and running races!

We had lots of fun! Here are some photos of us doing the frisbee throws

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Aotearoa's Weird and Wonderful Creatures

Last term we learnt about the environment and Aotearoa's Weird and Wonderful creatures. We studied about the Tuataras, Pekapekas and the Kauri Snail and then we drew them onto styrofoam plates. It has been a very interesting topic and we've learnt heaps!

For Art, we learnt about print making. For our prints, we drew them onto Styrofoam plates, then we rolled white ink on them and then we did a black and white one and also a multi-coloured one. We had to remember to press down hard so that the ink transferred onto the paper.

It was such fun making the prints and we love the way they look!

Have a look at what we needed to do to make the prints

Monday, 8 September 2014

Market Day!

On Thursday last week, the Good Shepherd School Councillors held a Market Day to raise money for a Catholic Special Character feature for the foyer. Throughout the week the children had been donating toys, books, puzzles and things they didn't use anymore. 

The school councilors set up stalls outside rooms 5 and 6 with toys, books and baking. Just before lunch time the seniors partnered up with the juniors and took them shopping at the stalls!!

The children really enjoyed shopping for new toys and books and they also enjoyed the lovely baked goods!

It was a beautiful day and the school councilors did a wonderful job setting up and selling the items.